Rhyme: This has no rhyme
Rhythm: there are about 3- 5 syllables in the poem
Tone or Mood: Mysterious
Personification: At the river mouth
Enjambment: "swallows the whitebait at the river mouth".
Meaning of the title: Awa: river.
Find 3 facts about the author: Greg O'connel was born in a place called Oamaru, New Zealand. His dad was a builder and his mother studied as a nurse but then became a full timed mother. He went to a school called St Joseph's NZ
Now write a similar poem (must have a Maori title) and present it on a slide. Also, make a Sound Cloud recording of you reading the poem.
Nga puna torotī ama koiora( the fountain of life)
Water runs down
through the hooked
shape waterfall and
into my cup ahh I say
that was nice.
that was nice.
Wow, I really loved your poem, great title! Can I suggest you move the line Aah, I say to the next line down? Very good analysis of Awa.