Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Science fair recount

Aim: My aim last year was to find out which way was the best to make your can of soda as cold as possible in ten minutes.

Hypothesis: My hypothesis was that the freezer would be the best way to cool your soda.

Introduction: I know that this topic will be interesting because it takes a while to make something go cold.

Equipment & Method: 5-10 cans of soda, cold water, ice and a thermometer.

Step 1:Grab all your cans of soda and set them on a table.
Step 2:First put one of your cans into the freezer (or put it in whatever different way you are doing it)and leave it there for ten minutes.
Step 3:Grab your can out of the freezer and open it.
Step 4: Grab your thermometer at put it in the soda and leave it
there for a minute then record how cold it was.      

Results: My hypothesis was wrong and the freezer wasn't the best.

Conclusion:My result was a surprise and it just show you that the common way isn't always the best.

What did you do well last year?

Organising my science fair board and placing the pieces of paper and photos on to my board.

What did you find difficult last year?

Choosing a good topic to work on.

Fingerprints: the clue to I.Q.
How much vitamin C is really in our juice?

Monday, 14 April 2014

Natural skills Greg O Connel

Bad service for dinner

Faulty service at Burger king,
 Burger king Fraser cove Tauranga,
Tuesday 19th April 2014

Tauranga Intermediate
30 Eighteenth Avenue

Dear owner,

On Thursday afternoon we had gone through the Burger King drive way in Fraser Cove. We had ordered two chicken burgers. My Step dad ordered the whopper junior meal with small fries and l&p as the drink and when he ordered he had a very clear voice.

When we ordered the employe kept asking us our order  over and over again we were getting really annoyed at this problem until he finally got it right. So we drove down the drive through until we go to the window to pay and pick up our order.

 When we had paid for our meal and it got given to us we got the wrong drink and instead of L&P we got coke We said excuse me we ordered l&p not coke. So the employe got us another drink but now it was raspberry so we told him again that we wanted l&p and on the third time he finally got it right and when we started to drive away he said thank you for Coming to KFC.

 Saying this I would like you to have your staff listen and improve their skills when taking someones order at Burger King.


Derek Cerda - Jimenez

Sunday, 13 April 2014


Basic words

Hello- hola.
Goodbye - despedida.
Thank you - gracias.

Numbers in spanish.

English:My name is Derek.
Spanish:Mi nombre es Derek.

Chile facts:
1. Chile speaks the language spanish.
2. Chile is located in south america.
3. There are three different kinds of spanish because if you are in chile some words a different to Argentina or spain.
4. Santiago is the capital of Chile.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Homework video

Poem (homework)

When the wind blows
the quiet things speak.
Some whisper, some clang,
Some creak.

Grasses swish.
Treetops sigh.
Flags slap
and snap at the sky.
Wires on poles
whistle and hum.
Ashcans roll.
Windows drum.

When the wind goes --
the quiet things 
are quiet again.

Write down eight words the poet has used to describe sounds.






The poet describes some objects as acting like humans, for example "quiet things speak". Find two more examples of this kind of writing from the poem.

        i) some whisper
        ii) when the wind blows


In the second line the poet states, "The quiet things speak". Name two "quiet things" from the poem.



What is shown by the use of the hyphen at the end of the line, "When the wind goes —"?


To make someone stop or something has interrupted.

What two main things happen in the poem?

When the wind blows quiet things speak.
The quiet things go quiet again 

Grown out of Tony Mitton

1.Stand up straight
2.Make eye contact with the audience
3.Speak loud and clear
4.Look confident and don't stress out.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Drift wood

3 facts about Denis Glover
1. He was born on the 9th of December 1912
2. He was born ina dunedin in NZ
3. He was the third of four children which are half irish.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Poem (homework)

Read the two poems written in the boxes below.
gleaming, new
racing, wheeling, braking

weary, anxious
shuffling, creaking, snoring
Write your own poem following the same structure shown in the poems above. Present it on a background image. 
First  1 noun
Second 2 adjectives
Third   3 verbs 
Fourth 1 adjective

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Parent interview

I had a great time showing my mum around the school and having a talk with my teacher as well. The things that we had discussed was my e-astle the work I have been doing and my goals and personal achievements. I am at the national standard for my maths. I am below the average for writing and in reading I am above the standard and I hope to achieve a whole level up this year.  

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Analysing a Poem (Homework)

Rhyme: This has no rhyme  
Rhythm: there are about 3- 5 syllables in the poem 
Tone or Mood: Mysterious 
Personification: At the river mouth 
Enjambment: "swallows the whitebait at the river mouth".
Meaning of the title: Awa: river. 
Find 3 facts about the author: Greg O'connel was born in a place called Oamaru, New Zealand. His dad was a builder and his mother  studied as a nurse but then became a full timed mother. He went to a school called St Joseph's NZ

Now write a similar poem (must have a Maori title) and present it on a slide. Also, make a Sound Cloud recording of you reading the poem.

Nga puna torotÄ« ama koiora( the fountain of life)

Water runs down
through the hooked
shape waterfall and
into my cup ahh I say
that was nice.