Monday, 8 December 2014


Chile football shorts for my brother to match his chile t-shirt. 19.00
Croc Sandals for my Mum 40.00
A pool toy for our pool.54.00

For Miss C a Sunbeam mixer. 120.00

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Virtual tour

Virtual tours, they are a good use of sending knowledge and experiences over the internet. A virtual tour is a simulation of a place around the world that allow you to experience: pictures, videos and much more. While the tour is going it will give you information of the place you are visiting.The highlights of virtual tours are that they are very accessible on the internet, they give you high definition pictures and give you important information to the specific topic you are touring. My opinion on virtual tours are that they are an awesome use of knowledge to people that would like to visit other countries but haven't got the money to, though with every project there are flaws. Some problems with tours are that they can be outdated, really slow and you don't get the feeling of being there. A great site for virtual tours is . It has a wide variety of places you can explore for example hotels, restaurants, travel destinations, real estates, businesses and events and venues.The site makes you feel you are there at that exact moment. Another bonus is that there is a voice recording that speaks to you and gives you plenty of useful knowledge.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Japanese students

3 questions for the Japanese students:HOw do you manage to get through all the school work?

Sunday, 23 November 2014


what is an internet forum?
An internet forum is an online dicussion about a certain topic.
Have you ever posted on a forum? Explain.
Yes i have posted on a internet forum. It was a question about how the apple id system works. I replyed by clicking reply and write my responce and confirmed the reply.

what is a thread?
a thread is a topic that has been posted on a forum.

what is the forums administrater job?
The forums adminastraitors job is to make sure the forum is up to date, to decide what catigories should be made and so on.

What are different names for forum?

find a link for a forum for these topics

What do you think the rules are for a forum?
I think no swearing is allowed, faking information and advertising material.

What do you think the consequences are for breaking the forum rules?
I think the consequences could be them deleting your account and if there were like ratings maybe that would get lowered.

Life ed movie

For each heading explain how well this aspect was done

What was done well?
Our camera stillness was good and didn't shake so often.
What wasn’t done well?
Our acting wasn't good and we needed to speak louder.
What would you improve if you had more time?
I think we would improve the script and the acting skills because most of our main characters were away and had to deal with other situations.

Sound quality: I think our quality was ok because sometimes it would vary between different shots. There wasn't as much background noise in our videos so that wasn't a problem.

Camera skill:




Quality of the life education message in your movie (the Script): realism, was it a good message?


Sunday, 16 November 2014


What two things do you need to describe an enlargement?
How big it has moved and where the centre or enlargement.

What is the centre of enlargement 
The centre of enlargement is where if you put two lines going out  and it should reach the tips of the bottom and top of both triangles.

what is a scale factor?
A scale factor is a number that tells you how much you have to enlarge the shape.

What happens to the angle sizes in the corner of the shape when you enlarge it?
Nothing happens to the angles when you enlarge the shape because they are always the same.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Math tricks

This is a maths trick that uses lines to find out the answer above. This technique is used by the Japanese a lot for solving maths equations like this.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

7 servants question

Here Is the link to the wizard of oz quiz

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Is our books disappearing?

Is the book disappearing as we speak? We'll in a way yes and no.A lot of people that read normal books know that normal books are disappearing and ebooks are the most efficient way to go. For example three million trees are cut down every year for the America alone which makes normal books look bad from the environment point if view. People have even started estimating when books will be in a museum. The most popular estimate is 20 - 50 years time.

Books and digital books both have their ups and downs. For example digital books can be easily damaged by dropping them on the ground but with an ordinary book it just lays on the floor. Normal books can also destroyed but by ripping the pages, with the digital books you can't rip pages which eliminates that hazard. Digital books are more environment friendly than normal books because of the amount of paper that are used to make a single book.So as I have said digital books and normal books have their ups and downs but personally, I like using the good old normal books. But remember the decision is yours digital books or normal books you decide!

Tuesday, 28 October 2014


1) What do these symbols on our flag stand for?
a) Blue background
b) Stars: The stars represent the constellation of Crux, the southern cross.
c) Union Jack:
2) Name the 3 flags of the 3 countries which are combined to make the Union Jack

3) When did we first use this NZ flag ? 1834
4) What flag did we use from 1840 until then? the union jack flag.
5) From 1834 to 1840 we used the United Tribes Flag. Insert an image of this flag.

6) Who kept chopping down the flagpole in Kororareka? Why?
7) What are the other official flags of NZ. Who are they used
for/when are they used?
Insert an image of the National Maori Flag. When did this flag first fly officially?
8)# Now you understand the basics of our present flag, work on a design for the flag you feel NZ should have. Insert your image.
Think about:
*what flags of other countries look like
*which icons are important to New Zealanders
*is your flag representative of our society
*the colours and what they represent
*what will go in the top left corner -the most clearly seen part of the flag even when there is no wind and the flag hangs down.
*how the rest of the world will identify NZ from this flag

Monday, 27 October 2014

Rotating Shapes

What 3 things do you need to say to describe a rotation?
1.Where the centre of the rotation is?
2.How much it has turned through(1/4, or 1/2 turn or an angle)
3.Weather the rotation has turned anticlockwise or clockwise.

Explain what centre of rotation means
The centre of rotation is a little dot or cross on a grid which is where the shape of the rotation should turn on the line where the dot is.

Now use these 3 things to describe the rotation on Page 1 of the myimaths lesson (i.e. describe the rotation of the triangle)

The centre of this triangle is at 1,1 on the grid. It has turned 90º or 1/4 and has turned clockwise.


My gif

Thursday, 23 October 2014


A friend is at your house and wants you to steal some cough medicine from your medicine cabinet.
Some things you can say:
1.No thats not right
2.I don't want to
3.My Mum moved the medicine to somewhere else for a while.

You're at a party and the friend who was supposed to give you a ride home is drunk or high on drugs. She insists that she's fine and tells you to get in. You know that getting in the car with her would put your life at risk – and hers -- but you don't want to make a big scene.
Some things you could say:
1.Your not acting right lets say we get a taxi so we can talk to each other about the party tonight.
2.Why don't we ask if we can stay here for the night, it'll be awesome.
3.Why don't I drive tonight and you can drive the next time

During a free period at high school, a guy or girl you like suggests that you go off in the woods behind school to smoke cigarettes. You really like this person and don't want to embarrass yourself. But you also don’t want to get smoke.
Some things you can say:
1.Nah i've got something really important and if i cant be there i'm screwed.
2.Not today, bro
3.I don't smoke maybe we can do something else?

A kid at school is having a massive party this Saturday because his parents are out of town. You know that lots of people there will be drinking. A friend really wants you to go with him. You don't want to go. Some things you could say:
1.Im too busy to go to the party.
2.My parents want me to be home because some relatives are coming over so I cant skip it.
3. Why don't we go somewhere else the next day maybe like the movies, my shout.

Q & A article

Write questions for these answers.

A.Krystal Bennett
Q.Who was the 18 year old that died in a car crash in this article?

A.P and Morphine
Q.What kind of drugs were that 19 year old taking while driving?

Q What was the age of the driver that had taken drugs and was driving on the road?

A.River Road, Upper Hutt
Q Where did this accident happen in this article?

ANever drive if you’ve taken any drugs
Q What did Krystals mum say in the article?

Q.How many passengers were there in the other car?

A.selfish and irresponsible
Q. What words did Krystals mum describe the other driver as?

Q.What was she ranked in the top 100 sales staff of the month on August 2005?

A.6 ½
Q.How many years was the driver sentenced to prison?

Find another article which reports on the death of a NEW ZEALAND teenager from drugs or alcohol.

Write a 100 word summary of what happened.

Link the article.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Rotational Symmetry

In your own words explain what rotational symmetry is.
Rotational symmetry is a shape that can be turned around in a 360 degree and in that rotation the shape will match itself.

A shape has an order of rotational symmetry of 2. What does this mean?
This means that the shape has matched it self 2 times in the 360 rotation. That means the shape has rotational symmetry.

How is rotational symmetry different from line symmetry?
Line symmetry doesn't rotate, there is a line that separates the picture in half to see if they are the same on both sides. rotational symmetry rotates the picture in a 360 degree which sees if it can match it self during the 360 rotation.

What do you do to check if a shape has rotational symmetry? 
Rotate the picture at 360. If it matches itself it has rotational symmetry.

Find pictures of 3 real life objects which have rotational symmetry (not shapes, objects e.g. foods, logos) and paste them into your post

Complete this table
If a shape has rotational symmetry of order 3, how many degrees would it rotate to match itself? Answer = 120 degrees

Degrees of rotation to match its shape

Photo Captions


Add caption

Add caption



Monday, 20 October 2014

Happiness Abstract art

Find a piece of abstract art which illustrates (must be ABSTRACT)

  1. happiness
  2. anger
  3. disappointment
  4. boredom
Paste it into your blog (label with the emotion)

  1. Happiness 2. Anger

3.Disappointment                                                                                      4. Boredom 

Use Sumopaint or do a google image mashup to create an abstract illustration of one emotion. Paste your image into your blog (label with the emotion). You will be writing about this emotion in Writing today.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014


Why I think my Mum is a great Mum because she tries her hardest to get us where we want and she will encourage to try new things. Secondly, since my brother and I have soccer every Saturday morning and the times of our games could vary she always gets us on time and has never made us late. Thirdly, my Mum has a night shift work so that means she works at night not in the morning. As I said that she will encourage to do new things most of those activities needed parent supervision but since she is so tired she can't help me do the activities. Overall I think my Mum is a great Mum because of all those thing she does.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

PEEL paragraph (Rimu is the best syndicate at TIS)

Rimu is the best syndicate at TIS because we have a way of learning that the other houses don't because of our computers. Secondly, as we have computers in Rimu house or Multimedia our learning is mostly online where everyone can see our work around the world or only our teachers if they are kept privately.Thirdly, we learn different things than the other house, like maybe using a different app like pages. For example, I can remember a time that my friend was struggling with spreadsheet on google drive, since I had the knowledge I taught him how to use the app because we learnt it in class. If you think Rimu isn't the way for your child that's fine but remember technology is playing a huge role and the sooner you know how to use technology the better thats why Rimu is the best syndicate at TIS.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

The elections

What percentage of the vote did each party win?
Labour: 24.69%
NZ first 8.86%
Maori Party:1.29%
Internet Mana:1.26%
United future 0.22%
Conservative 4.12%

How will parliament look? (How many seats will each party have?)

The parliament will be half of national and the rest of the parties in the pother half.
National:61 seats
Labour:32 seats
Green:13 seats
NZ first:11 seats
Maori Party:2 seats
Act:1 seats
Internet Mana:0 seats
United future:1 seats
Conservative:0 seats.

Who is the Tauranga MP and which party is he/she from?
Simon bridges is the Tauranga MP for 2014 from National.

Who came 2nd and 3rd for Tauranga?
2.Clayton Mitchell, NZ First 
3.Rachel Jones, Labour Party 

Who is the BOP MP and which party is he/she from?
Todd Muller National 

How many people voted?
More than 2.4million people voted. 77.04% of NZ

List all of the ministerial portfolios
Minister of Education

Who is the current Minister for Education?
Hekia Parata, National

Thursday, 18 September 2014


When is election day?
Election day is Saturday September the 20th

What hours can you vote on election day?
You can vote at 9:00am to 7:00pm  

What date does this year’s election officially end?
The election ends on the 4th October for the final results.

Why is there a gap between election day and when the election ends?
There is a gap because they have to total the results of the election.

Summarise each of these rules for election day in your own words.


All signs have to be removed on midnight the 19 of September 2014.

Sign-written vehicles
You are not allowed to put any party name, emblem, slogan or logo on a vehicle on election day. 

Fixed signage on party headquarters and MP’s electorate offices
You are allowed to leave your promotion sign,logo or picture of your party on your party headquarters.

Delivery of election material prohibited
Election material cannot be delivered through the post, directly to mailboxes or in person on election day.  

Websites and social media

You are allowed to keep you're advertising material on your website if you have posted it before election day.

Processions and demonstrations

You are not allowed to use a loud hailer changing peoples votes by the voting booth or section.

Streamers, rosettes, ribbons etc

Clothing promoting the party or candidate

Imitation ballot papers

Assistance to get to a voting place

At the voting place

Campaigning around advance voting places

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Tauranga electorate

I live in Welcome bay so I live in the Bay Of Plenty electorate .

The candidates in the Bay Of Plenty electorates are: 
Deborah Cunliffe
Ray DolmanBrendan Horan
Tracy Livingston
Todd Muller
Ben Rickard
Clare Wilson

The candidate in the Tauranga electorate are :
Ian McLean
Simon Bridges
Nathaniel Heslop 
Rachel Jones 
Rusty Kane 
Yvette Lamare 
James Maxwell
Clayton Mitchell
Verna Ohia-Gate 
Michael O'neill
Stuart Pedersen  

I would vote for Todd Muller because they are going to rebuild most of the nature reserves. They will also being paying peoples debts. They are adding 170,000 more jobs for NZ in less than four years time.

The tauranga electorate was created in 1881 

Monday, 15 September 2014


Investigate The Civilian Party. What are some of their policies?

Ice Cream
reducing taxes 
Replacing NZ national anthem 
Make Wellington airport safer by moving it to Christchurch.
Maintain New Zealand’s long-term commitment to free nuclear energy.
You want to set up a political party in this coming election. How do you do that?
  1. An acceptable party name.
  2. Satisfactory evidence of at least 500 members.
  3. Statutory declarations from its party secretary concerning membership, intention to contest general elections and advising of any component parties.
  4. Party membership rules showing what is required for current financial membership, and candidate selection rules which provide for the democratic involvement of members in the process.
  5. An auditor 
  6. A party secretary with a postal address and further details.
  7. Either the secretary, or a sitting MP who is a current financial member of the party, to make the application.
  8. $500 application fee.
Name your party.
 The United Syndicate of the New Zealand Party
Create a policy for
You will not have to pay for any treatment from the Dentil Clinic until you are the age of 18.
What teachers earn now should have a pay rise if they have been teaching over 8 years.
For owning a gun you have to have a gun licence, evidence of a passport and you should be over †he age of 21. 
For your first Business you get a pay of 50,000 dollars.
The cost of living in a retirement village should be deducted by 20%