When is election day?
Election day is Saturday September the 20th
What hours can you vote on election day?
You can vote at 9:00am to 7:00pm
What date does this year’s election officially end?
The election ends on the 4th October for the final results.
Why is there a gap between election day and when the election ends?
There is a gap because they have to total the results of the election.
Summarise each of these rules for election day in your own words.
All signs have to be removed on midnight the 19 of September 2014.
Sign-written vehicles
You are not allowed to put any party name, emblem, slogan or logo on a vehicle on election day.
Fixed signage on party headquarters and MP’s electorate offices
You are allowed to leave your promotion sign,logo or picture of your party on your party headquarters.
Delivery of election material prohibited
Election material cannot be delivered through the post, directly to mailboxes or in person on election day.
Websites and social media
You are allowed to keep you're advertising material on your website if you have posted it before election day.
Processions and demonstrations
You are not allowed to use a loud hailer changing peoples votes by the voting booth or section.
Streamers, rosettes, ribbons etc
Clothing promoting the party or candidate
Imitation ballot papers
Assistance to get to a voting place
At the voting place
Campaigning around advance voting places